Anti-Aging Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Many books have been written about the aging of America and the extent to which people will go to avoid aging. Almost everyone wants to look younger! And now, more Americans are turning to Acupuncture instead of the scalpel for their face lifting, tummy tucking, and cellulite reduction.
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a holistic alternative to plastic surgery, injections, and laser/chemical peels. It is one procedure for your face rather than 3, 4, or 5 different (and expensive) procedures. Your face will never look stretched, burned, puffy, or "banded". This series of treatments increases blood circulation to the face promoting collagen production for increased muscle tone and elasticity (this is what keeps wrinkles from forming!) It's prevention at its best!
Here are some of the results you may expect from an Cosmetic Acupuncture:
Skin becomes more delicate and fair
Reduction of wrinkles
Reduction of fine lines and deeper lines
Reduction of bagginess
Lifting of droopy eyelids
Clearing or reduction of age spots
An overall rejuvenation that is not confined to your face.
The Journal of Clinical Acupuncture says that 90% of clients have marked improvement in their faces and experience an overall rejuvenation that is not confined to the face.
Tasneem M. Raja, LAc. has specialized training in the technique used in China for face lifts. This includes needle placement, needling technique, and other specialized information. Additionally, she has adopted certain changes or additions in the protocol based on experience, theory, and research to insure good results.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture offer a holistic approach to looking and feeling younger which address the actual causes of skin aging. Plastic surgery, injections, laser peels and implants don't do that. They mask, without correcting, the underlying imbalances.
These anti-aging treatments affect your overall health in a positive way. You will look and feel younger. In some ways, you'll be younger because your energetic systems will be working better. Your outward beauty and youthful appearance will be the result of inner fitness.
Cosmetic Acupuncture is less expensive, healthier, and safer than the modern treatments. It's virtually risk free and there are none of the side effects of face lift surgery, lasers, and injections like numbness, scarring, possible atrophy, and lengthy recovery time.
This is a 10-treatment protocol: 2 treatments a week for 5 weeks. Each treatment takes from 60 to 75 minutes. Look younger - and feel healthier.
You can look younger for your next birthday, anniversary, board meeting, class reunion or holiday season! Mothers of brides and grooms, check this out!
Who wants to look like a pincushion? Not me, but I agreed to let certified MeiZen acupuncture practitioner Melinda Mingus, MD, give me a cosmetic acupuncture treatment in her New York City office because she spoke so knowledgeably about the effects. (Though Mingus suggests a series of ten treatments, I had time for only one.)
The sterilized, stainless steel acupuncture needles, as thin as a human hair, cause microtrauma in the skin, which increases blood flow and the production of collagen and elastin, says Mingus. She believes that the treatments can result in firmer skin, a reduction of wrinkles, and a tightening of the jowls. Her patients have reported healthy side effects, such as improved digestion, better-quality sleep, increased energy, and a sense of overall well-being. Hey, doc, sign me up! Stick a thousand needles in my face!
Well, not just my face. Mingus needled other body parts as well (my hands, legs, feet, ears, and scalp) in order to stimulate various nerves. She's an extremely skilled acupuncturist; I couldn't feel the needles going in. I lay still for about a half hour, deeply relaxed. After I had been successfully de-needled, I examined my face in a 7X magnifying mirror for holes or red dots—I couldn't find a single one. And my skin was glowing. But I'd have to take it on faith that my improved complexion had anything to do with the treatment; there's no scientific evidence that cosmetic acupuncture works.
— Beauty director Valerie Monroe
Anti-Aging Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Look Younger...Feel Great!
If you are interested in:
Reducing Wrinkles
Having Firmer Skin and Jaw Line
Improving Skin Condition
and Looking Younger
Then the Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture System may be for you. Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, it improves your health and energy
while turning back the clock. Cosmetic Acupuncture is an exciting alternative to plastic surgery and potentially unhealthy "non-invasive" techniques.
Only in your 30's? It's a great time to start building up collagen and elastin rather than letting it decline.
Host an "Anti-aging Acupuncture and Spa Party". These events are a fun way for you and your friends to hear about Cosmetic Acupuncture. Call for details. Visit our affiliate